Logo in gold Massen Photography

Our partners for
the 40 over 40 campaign

About our 40 over 40 campaign

Our 40 over 40 campaign started with our first photo shoot on October 9th 2021 and finished with our last photo session for this campaign on December 17th 2022. It was an incredible experience for us. We were very honoured and lucky to meet and be able to photograph 40 incredible, strong, powerful, confident and beautiful women in our photo studio. 

You can see the final results of this campaign on this page, one photo of each of these amazing 40 ladies here below in the order in which we photographed them. At the end of the campaign we also published a magazine which can be read as free online version on the website of Magcloud (link here below). Furthermore for us it was very important to conclude the 40 over 40 campaign with a closing event, a celebration evening for all the participating ladies, followed by a public exhibition. Our celebration evening took place on Friday April 28th at the "Centre Culturel Op der Fabrik" in Platen, Préizerdaul. Amongst around 70 guests we spent a wonderful evening and were happy to see most of the ladies that took part in the campaign one more time to celebrate with them the end of the campaign 40 over 40. Please see below under the photos a video with impressions from this evening.
The next day, on Saturday April 29th the exhibition was open for public and we had a lot of interesting talks with visitors.

Our special thanks to the professional makeup artists with who we had the pleasure to work with during this campaign:
Natalia Wrona, Céline Feltgen, Luca De Michele, Valentina Becker and Maeva Paulet.
A big Thank you to our partners of this evening: By Siebenaler, Francini_K, Re-Verte and Caves Vinel, Rambrouch.
Thank you for coverage of the evening to our videographer Veta Vlasova and photographer Claude Sibenaler.
We furthermore would like to thank the Commune de Préizerdaul for the beautiful location!


Magazine on Magcloud
Makeup artists for this campaign:
Natalia Wrona Céline Feltgen Luca De Michele Valentina Rossi-Becker Maeva Paulet
Partners for the celebration evening
Francini_K By Siebenaler Re-Verte Caves Vinel
Logo in gold Massen Photography
  • +352 621 25 14 21
  • portraits(at)massenphotography.lu
  • 4, am Dielchen, L-8611 Platen

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